I am delighted to announce that as of 9th March 2020, the companies Lighthouse Automotive and Vehicle Safety and Warning Distribution have formed a strategic alliance with the German manufacturer Proplast.
Proplast has long been a market leader in the manufacture and distribution of commercial vehicle lighting, boasting an incredible range in terms of applications and references.
The new partnership provides that we will do all we can to support the Proplast brand in the UK, become a source of supply for the product, working to support both the OEM and aftermarket sectors.
The brand has been established in the UK for some time and with our help aims to increase their market share even more.
This is a huge opportunity for us and one that we are very excited about. There are so many common values that we share with Proplast.
It is going to take some time to build up a portfolio of products in the UK at the VSWD warehouses, but Proplast will help with quick turn around and product availability.
Details of their products can be found on their website, and the following link takes you directly through to the latest 2020 catalogue.

Experts in Vehicle Safety and Warning
Lighthouse Automotive works for some of the biggest manufacturers in the world with a focus on vehicle safety and warning.
Lighthouse Automotive works directly for factories from the USA, Europe, Asia and Australasia, ensuring that our 106,000 part numbers (and growing) covers every conceivable application, approval standard and price point.
It is a unique position to be in. Our factories manufacture for OEMs, OESs and the aftermarket and we currently work in 65 countries around the world with a partnership programme that continues to grow.
Whether you are looking for an off the shelf solution, or the development of a bespoke product, we want to talk to you and can work with all of the factories to ensure that you get the right product at the right price.
Lighthouse Automotive has a combined 40 years of experience amongst its Directors and now with a sales force supporting customers in Europe, USA and the Middle East, we really are looking to expand our customer base in the years to come.
Welcome to Lighthouse Automotive!
Where you will find us?
With such a broad range of products available, Lighthouse Automotive and our factories are active across a wide spectrum of market and sectors, at OEM, OES and aftermarket level.
Those sectors include, but are not limited to;
• Commercial Vehicle
• Recovery
• Agriculture
• Mining
• Emergency Service Vehicles
• Military
• Marine
• Material Handling
• Heavy Duty Plant and Construction